This manual contains a description for users with the highest rights. Your view may not include all the options described below. If you are interested in feature of the system that you can not use, please contact the system administrator.

Description of the user interface after logging into the system:

1: Home Button: Takes the user back to the home screen.

2: List of inserted records:

  • List of all patients: List all patients across studies accessible by user.
  • List of patients in study: List all patients in a specific study accessible by user.
  • Healthy controls: List records defined as healthy controls.

3: List of studies:

  • List of studies: Shows a list of all studies.
  • Study details: Provides details about the selected study.
  • Add study: Adds a new study.
  • Completition report: Generates a CSV file with information on form completions for the selected study.

4: List CRF forms for all studies in system.

5: Access to CSV export:

  • Export wizard: Creates an export with defined exported parameters.
  • Export history: Shows the history of exports created by the logged-in user.
  • Export patients and their owners: Creates an export of patients and the users who entered the records for the selected study.
  • Export completion of forms: Generates an overview of form completions for the selected study.
  • Export completion and last update of forms: Provides an overview of form completions and their last modifications for the selected study.

6: Administrator section:

  • Admin: Redirects to the administrative portal for managing user accounts.
  • Access logs: List of system access logs.
  • Currently logged users: List of currently logged-in users.

7: Profile selection: Allows the user to switch between profiles, where each profile may have access to different system functions or study access.

8: Logout button: Log out the user out of the system.

9: Quick search in the system by name, surname, ID number, etc., across all records accessible to the user.


After selecting a study through "Patients," records assigned to the chosen study are displayed. The records can be filtered using default filters, or it is possible to create and load filters separately using the "Save" and "Load" buttons (1). Display of parameters on the home screen can be customized individually for each user using the "Columns" button (2). Patients can be sorted based on the selected parameters.


With use of Study parameters, it is possible to filter data based on any parameter within the study. (1) Select the form that contains the parameter user wants to filter by. (2.) Choose the parameter. (3) Select the operator for the parameter. (4) Filter value. It is possible to use multiple filters simultaneously with (6) Set the logical operator for a new filter (5) . Remove filters with (7)

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