The ClinData software allows updating data in the database using batch imports.

The batch import must meet the following conditions:

  • The file extension is txt or csv.
  • The file encoding is UTF-8 without BOM.
  • Columns are separated by commas.
  • Text does not need to be enclosed in quotes unless it contains a tab or comma.
  • Decimal numbers can be separated by a comma or a dot.
  • Dates are in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
  • Checkbox values are represented as "on" (checked) or "off" (unchecked).
  • The first row contains a header with the identification of the imported parameters.
  • The first column contains the patient identification (idPatient), followed by the form definition (form) where the parameter we want to update is located, and then the parameter definition (param) separated by an underscore.
  • For categorical parameters, the imported text value must exactly match the displayed text on the form.

The form definition can be obtained from the URL by clicking on the selected CRF form in the menu - study details - CRF templates tab, as shown in the image below.

The definition of the parameter can be obtained from the exported Excel file.

Example of a .txt file with data for update. Numbers with decimal comma are separated by quotes, and checkbox selections are set using the values on/off.

  • No labels