After clicking the "New patient" button, a patient identification card will open. At the end of the card, the selection is made for which study the patient should be enrolled in, and it is saved by clicking the "Save changes" button.

After filling basic patient information, it is possible to fill in the forms from the main view by clicking the "Open" button for the selected record.

If the study includes multiple visits, it is possible to select a specific one from field 1. The date displayed under the title represents the opening of the visit. If the date field is empty, the visit has not been opened yet. Access to the form is obtained by clicking the "Open" button (3). It is possible to set conditional access to the forms (2). In the example below, the test form is not available for the selected patient.

Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. If a parameter is left blank, the selection will turn red and it will not be possible to transition the form to the "Review ready/Closed" state.

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