- Uninstall previous version of Spotfire Analyst
- Restart your PC
- first 2 steps are important to do not have strange messages in later installation
- Requirements 14.0
- Name of the computer must be up to 15 characters
- Visual C++ 2015 redistributable package (x86) - https://www.microsoft.com/en-GB/download/details.aspx?id=48145
- if not possible to install, then uninstall all previous version.
- Java 8.0 or higher for 64-bit installed - https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
- (JAVA_HOME environment variable configured)
- Microsoft .Net runtime 4.8.x or higher - https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net48-web-installer
- The system and web browser regional settings are both configured in English, using dots (.) as the decimal separator
- Install Spotfire Analyst
- Installation package: SPOT_sfire-analyst_14.0.2_single_user.zip
- during installation add this url: https://spotfire.imtm.cz
- there is necessary twice confirm the security warning to install unknown sw
- Signals VitroVivo
- Majority of packages are installed automaticaly once you login into Spotfire Analyst.
- to see pictures of compounds in Spotfire, install on your windows PC this package: PerkinElmer_ChemDraw_ActiveX_Enterprise_Constant_20.1.1.msi
- Documentation: SPOT_sfire-analyst_14.0.2_documents.zip
- Login to Spotfire Analyst
- login name/password are same as to UPOL network. e.g. szotkoma
- To connect to SImA you must be in UPOL network and use this url: http://sima.imtm.cz