Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • short indication that export has started: 
  • running dot in menu Export 
  • in the menu Export you can see progress of the lately started export
  • you can download latest Export from the menu when it is ready and/or in the menu Show all Exports
  • there is list of all exports you have run within last 7 days including information about progress
  • by double click on the export line you can download and open any ready export, even repeatedly.

    Image Added

Exported Excel

Exported excel is very simple data oriented excel where in multiline header are selected fields names and in the data below the header are values. Values are rounded to 2 significant digits, same as in the Portal. There is no divider between Compound and each Assay, you should found it be the header.