Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

There is possibility to export Compounds and Assays results to the simple Excel.

Selecting Compounds

To choose compounds for export you can use Compound cart (similar to an eshop cart).

  • Select compounds by mouse and Shift or Ctrl key
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  • To add selected compounds to the cart use the menu Add selected compounds to cart
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  • Compounds remain in the cart until you remove them using Empty compound cart
    • Note: before you start your next export do not forget empty your cart
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  • To edit compound cart use menu Edit compound cart
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    • LEM list must be comma separated and only valid form LEMs are allowed (LEMnnnnnnnn - 8 digits).
    • Do not forget use button Update LEM list to store changes in cart.
    • Note: invalid LEMs formats are removed from the cart during updating.
    • There is nor check if the LEM exist in Portal neither you have access rights to this compound, but inaccessible compounds are not exported


  • By pressing button Start Export selected and cart compounds
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    currently selected compounds are added to the cart and Export window appears:
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  • You can set export name for each export. Name is only used in Portal and is not part of the exported Excel.
  • You can also edit compounds in cart.


  • Short indication that export has started:
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  • Running dot in menu Export 
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  • In the menu Export you can see progress of the last started export
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  • You can download last Export from the menu when it is ready. Or you can open dialog with all exports via menu item Show all Exports.
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  • There is list of all exports you have run within last 7 days including information about progress
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  • Double click on the export line will download and open any export with status ready, even repeatedly.
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Exported Excel
